Graham Whitlock

The Crystal Palace Chronicles Book I - Star of Nimrod

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1739980417
EAN 9781739980412
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Grass Roots Productions
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Can a teenage time traveller be the saviour Victorian London needs and save himself? Step back in time to the heyday of the Crystal Palace, the world's first theme park.
"A fantastic time travel adventure." Waterstones
Joe's world is turned upside down when he discovers a shattered compass among the brambles where the Crystal Palace once stood and time travels to 1888.
With help from a teenage H. G. Wells, daredevil Iris Blondin and the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Joe must thwart dangerous diamond thieves to uncover dark secrets about the 'People's Palace'. Standing on boundaries between worlds, these mysteries are tied to the fate of his family.
Don't miss this thrilling adventure series through time and meet unforgettable characters from the past.
Fusing mystery, history and fantasy, the Crystal Palace Chronicles series is perfect for the young and the young at heart who love Dr Who, Harry Potter and Jodi Taylor.
"Graham Whitlock is a wonderful storyteller." Suzy K. Quinn, New York Times bestseller
"A clever and hilarious adventure into the perilous world of the past! It's quirky and dark. And so much fun." Carrie Jones, New York times bestseller
What readers are saying:
'Hands down, one of the top books I've read'.
'Hooked! I've re-read these books again and again!'
'Magical fusion of fantasy and reality.'
'Harry Potter vibes, the fantasy and history in this book are perfect.'
'Gripping and fun for adults as well as kids.'

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