Grieg de la Houssaye

Turn On Your Energy: Taking Your Health and Well Being into Your Own Hands

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393334229
EAN 9781393334224
Veröffentlicht August 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Grieg de la Houssaye
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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#1 Best Selling Author in 12 Amazon Categories
Turn On Your Energy offers practical strategies to discover and use the natural flow of electrical energy impacting you more than you ever imagined. You are constantly interacting with this energy through your thoughts, diet, exercise, social interactions and even your home's electricity.
Your body is more than dense bones and tissue. Comprehending the extent to which this flow of electrical energy is sensitive and responsive to your thoughts, diet, exercise, and even relationships will change what you think about your health and well-being. Understanding that you have control over the flow of your electrical energy will enable you to not only live but thrive.
Once you learn how to release disrupted patterns or distorted rhythms of your electrical energy you will experience an increase in the flow of your energy. Realizing your body's amazing capabilities to heal itself, will help you understand that your body is not a problem to be fixed but a miracle to be discovered.
In a review by, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., author of several bestselling books, said:
"To understand how your body's electrical fields directly impacts the quality of your life, I highly recommend this exceptionally readable and valuable book - Turn On Your Energy. It is a brief review of how electrical fields derived from thought, relationships, and diet, among other sources, influence the body and how knowledge of these fields can be used to enhance your health and well-being. Grieg's book offers knowledge of self, which translates as self-empowerment, so needed in today's chaotic world."
# 1 Amazon in 12 categories: Alternative medicine healing; Acupuncture & Acupressure; Alternative Holistic Medicine; Alternative Therapies; Energy Healing; New Age Mental & Spiritual Healing; New Age New Thought; Health & Fitness; Motivational Growth & Spirituality; Spiritual Healing; Two-Hour Health, Fitness, and Dieting Short Reads; Personal Transformation


Grieg de la Houssaye is an experienced meditator and Energy Medicine Practitioner who has taught Hands-On Energy Medicine classes for the OLLI Institute at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. With a Masters Degree in Philosophy from George Washington University, de la Houssaye has released a pre-book called, Turn On Your Energy and a main book called, The Energy to Thrive. As an energy medicine practitioner he works with client's electrical signals and impulses through the use of light or not-touch therapies which open up blocked energy patterns, thereby igniting the body's self-repair mechanisms.
de la Houssaye stresses to clients and readers that they too have the capacity to unblock their energies to improve their health and well-being. de la Houssaye dedicates himself to making sense of new scientific discoveries - proving everything is energy - and he freely shares this knowledge whenever he can.

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