Gudrun Tossing

Fish Tales & Coyote Stories

Two Germans in the Wild, Wild West. Empfohlen 12 bis 99 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 266 Seiten
ISBN 3939832693
EAN 9783939832690
Veröffentlicht Februar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller KUUUK
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Gudrun Tossing
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Travel books about the United States of America often focus on the mighty space, the grandeur of landscapes and sceneries, their multiplicity and fascination - America the Beautiful. And all of it is true.
However, in this charming and amusing book, you will find even more; all the little stories and tales which happen on the sidelines of everyday life, on the fringes of society, and within or surrounded by beautiful landscapes. All the different characters of people who appear, communicate and then pass by. Events which happen by chance or accident, through fate or even bad luck. They all give the US visitor more than a glimpse into the culture and natural beauty of the country.
What you can expect are vanishing rivers, mystic encounters with legends from the Old West, trash turned to treasure, and park rangers who expect you to do odd things. Yes, of course, you also find the fish stories. Yarns are spun from the coasts to the hot deserts where the coyotes tell you their tales. Well, there will be some trouble with the police as well.
It is the small clash of cultures which makes you reflect, remember, and, in the end, smile. You hear about all the crazy things you inevitably encounter traveling in and around the United States of America.It is all written with deep and warm sympathy for the people of this amazing country, and, of course, with a good sense of humor and sophisticated irony as well. Come on; read it and love it!
Gudrun Tossing is German and a part-time-American as well. She traveled extensively within the United States and Canada as a tourist, for business, and visiting her relatives - each time with a greater appreciation of every experience. Throughout their lives, she and her husband have spent several years living and traveling within North America. Now that she has retired from her job as a medical manager in a US pharmaceutical company, she has even more time to travel - preferably within the United States of

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