Guido Bruscia

Training with Kettlebells for Strength and Mobility.

Over 25 Functional Training Exercises to Build Muscle and Stay Limber. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1782555587
EAN 9781782555582
Veröffentlicht 1. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Meyer & Meyer Sport
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Volume II in the Ultimate Functional Training Series, Training With Kettlebells for Strength and Mobility, contains more than 25 functional kettlebell exercises that improve strength, build muscle, and reduce the risk of injury. Functional training includes those exercises which prepare the body for daily activities, and the best part of functional training is that it is simple to master and fits within the busiest lifestyle.
The exercises are grouped into their targeted areas: lower body, core, and upper body. After progressing in strength and mobility by mastering the bodyweight exercises found in volume I, you will build on your foundation as you progress in strength and fitness by adding additional kettlebell weight. Also included are sample training plans for strength, hypertrophy, and toning which can be implemented into any workout routine, at home or at the gym.
No training should be undertaken without first mastering the theory behind it. Before diving into the exercises, you are given the theory and background on the uses and benefits of functional training. With Kettlebell Training, you will revolutionize your health and athletic performance!
The Ultimate Functional Training Series is a compilation of the best functional training exercises in four volumes: Training With Bodyweight, Training With Kettlebells, Training With Medicine Balls, and Training With Sandbags.


Guido Bruscia is a master trainer who is well known worldwide for functional and kettlebell training. He is the technical director of the Functional Training School, and he also teaches at institutions for fitness and bodybuilding coaches and personal trainers. He has written several bestselling books. He invented Personal Care, an innovative method of personal training with the goal of revolutionizing the lives of its students. Guido lives in Rimini.

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