The Birds of Turkey - Guy Kirwan, Barbaros Demirci, Hilary Welch, Kerem Boyla, Metehan Özen

Guy Kirwan, Barbaros Demirci, Hilary Welch, Kerem Boyla, Metehan Özen

The Birds of Turkey

1. Auflage. 32-page colour section. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 140.
pdf eBook , 512 Seiten
ISBN 1408133148
EAN 9781408133149
Veröffentlicht Juni 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Helm
68,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The Birds of Turkey is the first avifauna to document this country's amazing ornithological diversity.
Turkey - ornithologically one of the most fascinating countries in the Western Palearctic - lies not only at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, but also at the meeting point of a variety of biomes.
The extensive semi-deserts of the Middle East reach their northernmost limit in southeastern Turkey, while the Pontic Mountains, which dominate much of the north of the country, support a principally European fauna, along with near-endemics such as Caucasian Grouse, Green Warbler, Caspian Snowcock and Krüper's Nuthatch. In Central Turkey, huge saline lakes hold colonies of flamingos, pelicans and Pygmy Cormorants, while the surrounding semi-steppe supports populations of Montagu's Harrier, Great Bustard and abundant lakes.
The book looks in detail at every species ever reported in the country - breeding birds, passage migrants, winter visitors and vagrants - with a review of status and distribution, accurate distribution maps, and discussions of breeding biology and the latest taxonomic revisions. Introductory chapters provide overviews of Turkey's major biomes and the history or ornithology in the country, and a discussion of future research objections. The book also contains stunning colour photography by a number of leading Turkish ornithologists.
Indispensable for anyone interested in the Turkish avifauna, The Birds of Turkey will remain the standard work on this key ornithological region for many years to come.


Guy Kirwan is an ornithologist and tour-leader, based partly in the UK and partly in Brazil. He was a founder of the Neotropical Bird Club and has edited its journal Cotinga since 1997. He is also Editor of the prestigious Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club.


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