H. G. Wells


Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 480 Seiten
EAN 9791041807369
Veröffentlicht Juni 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Culturea
24,90 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

Tono-Bungay, published in 1909, is a semi-autobiographical novel by H. G. Wells. Though it has some fantastical and absurdist elements, it is a realist novel rather than one of Well-s -scientific romances.-
The novel is written in the first person from the point of view of George Ponderevo, the son of the housekeeper at a large estate. He is made to feel his inferiority when he is banished after fighting with the son of one of the owner-s aristocratic relatives, and is sent to live with his own poor but religiously fervent relatives. He can-t abide or agree with their religious views and returns to his mother who sends him on to live with his Uncle, Edward Ponderevo, then a local pharmacist in a small town. Uncle Ponderevo, though, has grand plans, and eventually makes a fortune by selling a quack patent medicine he calls -Tono-Bungay.- George joins him in this endeavour and becomes rich himself, eventually turning his interests towards the new science of aeronautics. Meanwhile the Tono-Bungay scheme expands enormously and begins to topple towards its own destruction.
Throughout the novel, George comments cynically on England-s class system, the shabbiness of commerce, and the lies told in advertising. We also follow his unfortunate love life, his unwise marriage, his divorce, and his eventual reconnection with a woman he loved as a child.
Tono-Bungay met with a mixed reception on first release, but has since come to be considered as perhaps Wells- finest realist novel, an assessment Wells himself shared.