Habib Rahman

Transform the Inequitable System¿: From Capitalism to Economic Democracy¿ and Socialism

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230345480
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Habib Rahman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Why do extreme inequality, poverty, and hunger persist in the 21st century? How do the marginalized billions in the Global South endure the failures of capitalism? And what can be done to build a fairer, more just world?
In Transform the Inequitable System, Rahman delivers a powerful critique of global capitalism, exposing how it fuels child labor, modern slavery (forced labor, forced marriage, and sexual exploitation), gender and racial oppression, and environmental devastation. Drawing on extensive data, vivid examples, and incisive analysis, the book reveals how capitalism's unchecked expansion not only sustains these injustices but also endangers life on earth. The looming environmental collapse, launch-ready nuclear weapons capable of global annihilation, and the aggressive land, water, and ocean grabs that deepen the divide between the Global North and South are laid bare.
Tracing the colonial roots of today's debt crises, Rahman examines how the ongoing transfer of wealth and resources through unequal exchange continues to impoverish the South while enriching the North. The book amplifies the voices of those most affected—workers trapped in precarious jobs, communities stripped of social protections, and entire populations left behind by neoliberal policies.
In its second half, Transform the Inequitable System moves beyond critique to present a bold vision for systemic change. It lays out a roadmap for economic democracy and socialism, grounded in the struggles of workers, peasants, women, and all oppressed people striving to dismantle a system designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few while impoverishing the many.
This thought-provoking work also unpacks the devastating impact of polycrises—pandemics, armed conflicts, and climate disasters—on the world's most vulnerable. It challenges pro-rich policies, exposes the mechanisms of wealth concentration, and presents a compelling case for an alternative future rooted in solidarity, equity, and justice.
Accessible yet rigorous, Transform the Inequitable System is essential reading for radical activists, progressive policymakers, critical scholars, and anyone committed to building a just and sustainable world.


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