Hanna Boëthius, Verena Voelter

The Next Tango: A Patient Guide: All You Need to Know to Deliver Great Results in Health Care

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1998528189
EAN 9781998528189
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Grammar Factory Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

How can we get more care into health care?
The Next Tango is an educational tool on Value-Based Health Care for anyone in the public or professional arena of health care to learn what's possible from the 5Ps: patients, providers, pharma and life sciences, payers, and policymakers.
With contributions from real-life health care experts – Claudia Canella, Claudia Witt, Caitlin Masters, Nienke Feenstra, Paul Sherrington, and Suzanne Robinson – this book will help you understand:- what patients truly want – their desired outcomes and how to co-create with them- the latest thinking in the provider community on participative research- the views of pharmaceutical leaders on cooperation and value creation- novel payment models and partnerships across multiple stakeholder contracts- policy frameworks to foster a collaborative approach across all actors- the seven steps required to dance the tango of health care together
Curious? Then, this is your book!


Hanna Boëthius, MSc, is a patient empowerment consultant and expert leader with a lifelong experience of type 1 diabetes. She is dedicated to helping others live healthier lives through education and advocacy, with a focus on self-care and health literacy.

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