Hannah Collingridge

The Dirt Directory

The ultimate guide to the UK's bike parks, trail centres and purpose-built mountain biking trails. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1839811293
EAN 9781839811296
Veröffentlicht 6. Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Vertebrate Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The Dirt Directory is the only comprehensive guide to the purpose-built mountain biking trail centres and bike parks in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Written by Hannah Collingridge, it includes thousands of kilometres of singletrack, cross-country, downhill, freeride and bike park riding at over 130 dedicated MTB centres. Featured centres include established riding spots such as BikePark Wales, Glentress, Rostrevor and Dalby Forest, as well as volunteer-run centres such as the pioneering trails at Lady Canning's Plantation and Grenoside Woods near Sheffield and more recent venues such as Dyfi Bike Park, set up by the Athertons.
Each riding spot features information on the number of trails and their length, style and difficulty; facilities such as parking, uplift, bike hire and shops and refreshments; and local information. There's also stunning action photography throughout the book. Keep The Dirt Directory in your car or van - it's your indispensable riding companion.


Hannah Collingridge has been riding bikes, racing bikes, fixing bikes and talking about bikes for over forty years. As a freelance writer, her work has appeared in Cranked, Cycle and Singletrack magazines, and she is the author of Pennine Bridleway, the definitive guide to the long-distance, off-road national trail from Derbyshire to Cumbria. As well as living just down the road from Leeds Urban Bike Park, she's ridden bikes all over the UK, and can often be found organising, commentating on or racing at bike events. When she's not riding or racing bikes, Hannah is usually mending them, having spent nearly a decade as a professional bike mechanic. She's at her best when she's somewhere new pointing excitedly at something she's read about. Mostly fuelled by cheese and coffee. @all_the_trailz

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