Heather Havrilesky

Disaster Preparedness

A Memoir. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1101446064
EAN 9781101446065
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Riverhead Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"Smart, hilarious, unique-- just terrific." --Anne Lamott
A thoughtful, witty memoir from the author of How to Be a Person in the World and the popular advice column, Ask Polly.
When Heather Havrilesky was a kid during the '70s, harrowing disaster films dominated every movie screen with earthquakes that destroyed huge cities, airplanes that plummeted towards the ground and giant sharks that ripped teenagers to shreds. Between her parents' dramatic clashes and her older siblings' hazing, Heather's home life sometimes mirrored the chaos onscreen.
Disaster Preparedness charts how the most humiliating and painful moments in Havrilesky's past forced her to develop a wide range of defense mechanisms, some adaptive, some piteously ill-suited to modern life. From premature boxing lessons to the competitive grooming of cheerleading camp, from her parents' divorce to her father's sudden death, Havrilesky explores a path from innocence and optimism to self-protection and caution, bravely reexamining the injuries that shaped her, the lessons that sunk in along the way, and the insights that carried her through.
Disaster Preparedness is a road map to the personal disasters we all face from an irresistible voice that gets straight to the beauty and grace at the heart of every calamity.


Heather Havrilesky is the author of How to Be a Person in the World, originated from her popular advice column, Ask Polly, in New York Magazine's The Cut. She was a TV critic at Salon for seven years, and her writing has appeared in New York magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Bookforum, the New York Times, and on NPR's All Things Considered.

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