Hector Hugh Munro

The Collected short Stories of Saki

Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 746 Seiten
ISBN 9388720962
EAN 9789388720960
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Pharos Books Private Limited
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Saki is perhaps the most graceful spokesman for England's 'Golden Afternoon' - the slow and peaceful years before the First World War. Although, like so many of his generation, he died tragically young, in action on the Western Front, his reputation as a writer continued to grow long after his death. The stories are humorous, satiric, supernatural, and macabre, highly individual, full of eccentric wit and unconventional situations. With his great gift as a social satirist of his contemporaryupper-class Edwardian world, Saki is one of the few undisputed English masters of the short story.