Heinz Meistermann


Travels and Adventures of Simon Brown. Paperback.
kartoniert , 280 Seiten
ISBN 394059797X
EAN 9783940597977
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Verlag 28 Eichen
19,00 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

Again, a massive wave hits the deck with full force. One of the sailors is able to hold on, while the other is swept along by the wave to the other side of the ship. Thinking on his feet, Simon lets himself fall on his stomach and slides after him. He is able to grab the other by the pant leg right at the railing, before he can be washed overboard.


Heinz Meistermann's achievement is nothing less than the rebirth of the classical adventure and travel novel. His hero, the 17 year-old son of a German wine merchant from Mainz, sees his future in the USA and emigrates on the spur of the moment to Boston. There, his immense talents are confronted with all types of activities and challenges - and it seems like he is just walking from one adventure to the next. But he proves himself up to all these challenges, even if he only escapes death by the skin of his teeth on some occasions. As he goes along, the knowledge of wine-growing and trade that he gathered in his early youth also proves extremely useful. More decisive for the success of his adventurous life however, is the young hero's ability to take destiny into his own hands, and to not shy away from taking a risk, when it comes to standing his ground.

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