Henry David Thoreau


or, Life In The Woods. New edition of the original and unabridged text, includes the essay Civil Disobedience. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 3961300917
EAN 9783961300914
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller apebook Verlag
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In 1845 the writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau builds a log cabin at a lake in the forests of Massachusetts. There he lives for two years in harmony with nature and far away from civilization. This book is the report of his experiences in solitude.
"Walden, or Life In The Woods" is a book of the American writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862). It was published in 1854.
The autobiographical and, at the same time, literary account of Thoreau's two-year life in a self-built log cabin at a forest lake in the wilderness of Massachusetts has become a classic of alternative life drafts. It is not a novel in the proper sense, but a literary work of his diary entries and notes. Thoreau, in his contemplations, devotes himself to various aspects of human existence; he reflects on economics, loneliness, the animals of the forest, and the importance of reading classical literary works. "Walden" is one of the most influential books in American literary history.
This edition includes supplementary the famous essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Thoreau. The eBook corresponds to about 410 book pages.

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