Herbert George Wells

The Time Machine

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 6 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 101 Seiten
ISBN 8381156165
EAN 9788381156165
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Ktoczyta.pl
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Decades ahead of his time, H.G. Wells leaps beyond the bounds of conventional imagination to tell the story of the Time Traveler. A seminal and hugely imaginative work of early science fiction, H.G. Wells-s -The Time Machine- is the first and greatest modern portrayal of time-travel and definitely a spiritual ancestor of every time travel story since. The book introduces a scientist who uses a Time Machine to be transferred into the age of a slowly dying earth. Humans have been separated by time, genetics, wars and change of their habitats into two different races, the Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks. After narrowly escaping from the Morlocks, the Time Traveller undertakes another journey even further into the future where he finds the earth growing bitterly cold as the heat and energy of the sun wane. Horrified, he returns to the present, but soon departs again on his final journey. -The Time Machine- examines the age-old questions of humankind-s ultimate destiny and the role we play in shaping it.

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