Howard Sounes


The True Story of the World's Biggest Cash Robbery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 512 Seiten
ISBN 1849831904
EAN 9781849831901
Veröffentlicht März 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Simon + Schuster LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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On 22 February 2006, £53 million was stolen from a cash warehouse belonging to the Securitas company in Tonbridge, Kent. In terms of value, the robbery puts previous British capers, such as the Great Train Robbery, in the shade.
This was a crime notable for its audacity, carried out by an unlikely crew of players that included a used car salesman, two Albanian casual workers and a roofer. Five men were convicted at the Old Bailey in January 2008, which attracted nationwide media coverage. A sixth man, Paul Allen, was sentenced in October 2009 for his part. Having become close to the Tonbridge gang and the police during three years of research, Sounes relates a classic crime caper in irresistible, almost forensic detail.
After the robbery comes the exciting, sometimes comical story of the getaway. Money is found and arrests are made but key characters slip out of the country, and millions of pounds are still missing. Heist, the definitive account of these compelling events, is wildly entertaining, and a must for all fans of well-written true crime.


Howard Sounes is the author of several acclaimed and bestselling works of non-fiction, including the true crime classic Fred & Rose(1995), biographies of Charles Bukowski and Bob Dylan. He lives in London.

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