Humera Mehboob

A Subtle Decision To Grow

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230924463
Veröffentlicht 19. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Humera Mehboob
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A Subtle Decision is the story of Nirmal Bano—a woman caught between tradition and her dreams. Raised in a household where her voice was silenced and her dreams dismissed, she faces battles that force her to question everything she has ever known. She fights not to rebel, but to grow, to rise, and to carve out her own place in a world that seems determined to confine her.
What happens when a woman chooses herself in a world that tells her not to? Can love and forgiveness mend the deepest wounds of the heart?
This novel takes you on an emotional journey of strength, sacrifice, and self-discovery. It is a story of breaking free without breaking apart, where every choice carries the weight of the past, but every step forward is a victory. It's about finding light in the darkest moments and learning that sometimes the hardest decision is the one that changes everything.


Humera Mehboob is a versatile novelist and a rising voice in modern literature, published on platforms like Odilo, Tolino, BorrowBox, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, and Hoopla. Associated with AURAQ Publishing, Humera excels in various genres. As she puts it, "Don't judge an author, because you never know what they'll bring about in their next novel or what sort of genre it will be." Her debut novel, Journey and Surrender (Aug 27, 2023), explores Chitral and self-discovery. This was followed by Redemption's Glow (Oct 15, 2024), an emotional psychological drama, and Nazia (Sep 1, 2024), a crime-mystery about manipulation and amateur sleuthing. Her latest, Singing the Tale of Serenity Shores, blends dark fantasy with supernatural elements. Humera also wrote thought-provoking articles, including "Leveling Up Lives: The Impact of Video Gaming on Youth," through Spine Times (Nov 27, 2024). Her novels have garnered widespread acclaim. A reviewer on Everand called Singing the Tale of Serenity Shores "one of her best novels," while Mandy Lane on Barnes & Noble praised Nazia in its raw emotion and unforgettable impact. Follow her on Instagram: @humeramehboob_author.

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