Ibrahim Nugwa Abdulrazak

Javascript. A Comprehensive Manual For Creating Dynamic, Responsive Websites And Applications

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 451 Seiten
ISBN 1304325377
EAN 9781304325372
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Clube de Autores
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This book shows off JavaScript s potential for developing web applications by mixing in-depth theory instruction with enjoyable assignments that will push your limits. To gain a thorough knowledge of the ideas, you can experiment with them in your own editor or browser console as you learn them. Basic programming concepts, including variables, arrays, objects, functions, conditionals, loops, classes, and more, will be covered first. Building on this foundation, you ll combine JavaScript with HTML and CSS to create interactive web applications that you can use immediately away, with the help of interesting examples and practical exercises. The fundamentals of the JavaScript language will be used to help you learn how to create your own scripts from scratch, which will make the script-writing process easier. Detailed examples and scripts explaining how to combine JavaScript with Google Apps script were provided in Chapters Sixteen and Seventeen. Creating and releasing add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, and Forms on an online shop is made simple using Apps Script. It functions as a unified platform for creating, coding, and eventually sharing apps on the web store. The concepts of creating a menu, sending emails, developing interactive web pages, creating a user login and registration form, submitting HTML form data to Google Sheets, searching Google Sheets content from a website, and putting all of these strategies into practice to create an interactive web page that serves as a form to submit sheets will all be covered. This book also provides some recorded tutorials to guide users on how best to utilize the codes provided in the contents. 1.How to Create Login an Register Form Using Google Spreadsheet Data: youtu.be/2qRti1S9rK8 2.How to Display Google Sheet Data on Webpage youtu.be/-dkewMUYU7A 3.How to Submit HTML Form Data to Google Spreadsheet youtu.be/7Vn3ycGS04I 4.And lots more.

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