In the borderland between song and speech

Vocal expressions in oral cultures. 141 black & white illustrations, 6 maps. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 9198557785
EAN 9789198557787
Veröffentlicht Juni 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Lund University Press

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This is a study of vocal expressions in the borderland between speech and song, based on performances from cultural contexts where oral transmission dominates. Approaches drawn from perspectives belonging to both ethnomusicology and linguistics are integrated in the analysis. As the idea of the performance template is employed as an analytical tool, the focus is on those techniques that make performance possible. The result is an increased understanding of what performers actually do when they employ variation or improvisation, and sometimes composition as well. The transmission of these culture-specific techniques is essential for the continuation of this form of human communication and interaction with the spirit world. By comparative study of other research, the result of the analysis is viewed in relation to ongoing processes in society.


Håkan Lundström is Professor Emeritus of Music and Society at Lund University
Jan-Olof Svantesson is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Lund University

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