Ingrid Seymour

Blazing Magic (Djinn Curse, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393932029
EAN 9781393932024
Veröffentlicht November 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Ingrid Seymour
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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He's forged from fire, and his lies burn.
I'm taking a break from college to help Grandpa run his nursery business. I'm all he's got, and he desperately needs my help.
But when he unexpectedly dies, leaving behind an ancient relic as my inheritance, I'm not ready to accept that all the stories he once told me are real.
Creatures forged from fire don't exist, and the irresistible man that just appeared out of nowhere at my doorstep is not here to grant me three wishes.
No, he's here to deceive, so he can break the century-old curse that keeps him prisoner.
But Grandpa warned me all about his treacherous tricks, and his enthralling seduction won't work on me. No matter how sexy he is.
He is my slave, and he will do what I say.
Except there's something I didn't count on. His enemies are as ancient and determined as he is, and they want to kill me and send him back to his agonizing prison. Now, I must work with him to stay alive, while I also try to avoid getting caught in the web of lies he's weaving around me.
A breathtaking paranormal romance series by USA Today best-selling author Ingrid Seymour. Electrifying magic, a slow-burn romance, and thrilling adventures. For fans of Twilight and star-crossed lovers.
** The trilogy is complete—3 full-length novels of 80,000+ words each


Ingrid Seymour is a USA Today Bestselling author. When she's not writing books, she spends her time cooking exotic recipes, hanging out with her family and working out. She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of genres, including Sci-Fi, urban fantasy, romance, paranormal and horror. Her favorite outings involve a trip to the library or bookstore where she immediately gravitates toward the YA section. She's an avid reader and fangirl of many amazing books. She is a dreamer and a fighter who believes perseverance and hard work can make dreams come true. She lives in Birmingham, AL with her husband, two kids, and a cat named Ossie.

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