Instaread Summaries

Summary of In the Unlikely Event

by Judy Blume | Includes Analysis. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 28 Seiten
ISBN 1683781430
EAN 9781683781431
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Instaread, Inc
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Summary of In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume | Includes Analysis
In the Unlikely Event is a fictional account of a real series of plane crashes that
took place between December 1951 and August 1952 in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Miri Ammerman is a young Jewish girl. Her mother, Rusty, made the unusual
choice, for the time period, to raise her daughter alone. They live with Rusty's
mother, Irene, and brother, Henry, a reporter for the local paper. Miri's best friend,
Natalie, is the daughter of a local dentist, Dr. Osner. Miri often fantasizes about
Natalie's mother dying so that Rusty and Dr. Osner can get married. Then the girls
could be sisters.
A young dancer named Ruby Granik boards a plane and, while helping a young
mother with her two small children as the plane takes off, Ruby realizes that
something is terribly wrong. At the same time, Miri and Rusty are on their way
home from a movie when they see the plane coming down…
PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and NOT the original book.
Inside this Instaread Summary of In the Unlikely Event:
• Summary of book
• Introduction to the Important People in the book
• Analysis of the Themes and Author's Style
About the Author
With Instaread, you can get the summary and analysis of a book in 15 minutes. We read every
chapter, summarize and analyze it for your convenience.

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