Irene Nganga

The Wife Code: Become the Wife You Were Meant to Be

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230846543
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Irene Nganga
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
27,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The Wife Code: Becoming the Wife You Were Meant to Be is not just another book about marriage—it is a blueprint, a revelation, and a call to rediscover the wisdom of a Proverbs 31 wife in today's world.
What does it really mean to be a wife in this century?
How do you balance love, submission, and personal ambition?
Can marriage thrive beyond just romance and societal expectations?
In this book, we dismantle the myths, embrace the truth, and unlock the secrets of a wise and powerful wife.
Through narrative storytelling, timeless biblical wisdom, and modern-day insights, this book will teach you:
✅ How to cultivate a marriage mindset built on love, respect, and emotional intelligence.
✅ Why submission is not oppression and how it coexists with leadership.
✅ The truth about wealth-building as a wife—because dependency is not your only option.
✅ How to keep passion alive and navigate intimacy through the seasons of marriage.
✅ The real Proverbs 31 hustle—balancing career, home, and legacy.
✅ How to handle conflicts, financial struggles, and external pressures with wisdom and grace.
Marriage is not just about finding the right person—it is about becoming the right woman.
Whether you are a wife striving to navigate marriage, a woman preparing for the role, or simply someone who wants to understand the deeper dynamics of love and partnership, this book will transform the way you see wifehood forever.
💍 Are you ready to unlock The Wife Code?

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