Ivan Turner

Zombies! Summer Special: Growing Pains

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1465847901
EAN 9781465847904
Veröffentlicht August 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Ivan Turner
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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During a blizzard in New York City, an army of zombies is unleashed on the population. Dillon Waters, a ten year old boy, must grow up quickly and face the threat head on when the zombies infest his Manhattan apartment building.
This segment takes place during the events of Zombies! Episode 10: State of Emergency.


A child of the movies, I was always consumed by fantastic stories told by others and translated into adventures to be retold by me through the action figure medium. As I grew older, I put the action figures away and moved into the realm of role playing. Though I never outgrew role playing, I certainly don't have the time for it anymore. Since I was eleven years old, I've been pouring almost every ounce of creative energy I have into writing.
I graduated college in 1993 with a degree in computer science. I tried my hand at programming for a couple of years and found it pretty unsatisfying. I later became a partner at a comic book store, where I spent several years. Though it wasn't a financial success, the experience I gained from running the store and the people that I met (many of whom I'm still in touch with today) was priceless. After leaving the store, I settled into a career of teaching. I still teach at a public high school in New York. Ironically, I've picked up computer programming again, which is what I mostly teach.
I've been writing the whole time.
I released my first book electronically in 2010. Forty Leap was a turning point for me in both style and story building. The Book of Revelations, which was written earlier but released later, was sort of a midway point between the writer I was and the writer I've become. I experimented with a very odd style and a story that employed diverse characters and controversial situations.
In September 2010, I released the first installment of Zombies! Zombies! has been a tremendous success for me that came very close to being made into a television series. Since Zombies!, I have written a five part miniseries called Castes and have been working on developing tabletops games, the first of which, ApocalypZe, was published in early 2014.
Now, 6 years later, a 3rd Zombies! series is due to be released in September of 2016.

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