J. A. Jackson

The Grand Hotel (A Geek An Angel Series Book I, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393673600
EAN 9781393673606
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller J. A. Jackson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Brilliant Geeky handsome workaholic Louis La Cour has all the privileges of a successful life. But sometimes looks can be deceiving.
His beautiful wife Pearl La Cour feels ignored and desperate for love. She's still haunted by the sins of her youth.
Celica Baptiste, young and successful, she's full of drive and ambition. She's a woman willing to do anything for her man.
Love, lust, and hatred are basic elements of the story when shattered dreams turn trust and loyalty into desperation, deception, and dishonor.
Louis La Cour thought he knew everything there was to know about a scheming, want to be beauty queen's mother.
But knowing the difference between a diabolical mastermind and a monster hell-bent on destroying the lives of everyone around them is a whole other matter.
Something strange is brewing at the Grand Isle Gala, when a rival's sudden desire for power takes an ugly turn, and a mastermind villainous schemer sets into motion retaliatory plans, that summon disaster!
Can Louis La Cour discover the truth before it's too late?
Is love more destructive than hate?
Discover what will happen amidst the glamour & glitter of the Annual Gala. When a night of crimes of seething passion, ignite and explode!


J. A. JACKSON is an author who lives in an enchanted little house she calls home in the Northern California foothills with her husband and Big Sally an American scent hound. She fell in love with writing as a small child. She was born in Arkansas and comes from a family rich in story tellers. She spent over ten years working in the non-profit sector where she wrote grants, press releases and contributed many stories to their newsletter. She was their Newsletter editor for over ten years. She loves growing roses, a good pot of hot tea, chocolate, magical stories, suspense stories, ghost stories, and reading Jane Austen again and again in her pastime. Please write her at P.O. Box 61212 S1n Jose, CA 95161.
This Novel was written by Jerreece Ann Jackson
Pseudonym: J. A. Jackson
P.O. Box 612751
San Jose, CA 95161
MEDIA CONTACT: Jerreece Jackson
Email: jerreecejackson@gmail.com
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