J. D. Robb

Abandoned in Death

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 1250278228
EAN 9781250278227
Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Press

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Homicide detective Eve Dallas must untangle a twisted family history while a hostage's life hangs in the balance-in Abandoned in Death by New York Times bestselling author J. D. Robb.
The woman's body was found in the early morning, on a bench in a New York City playground. She was clean, her hair neatly arranged, her makeup carefully applied. But other things were very wrong-like the tattoo and piercings, clearly new. The clothes, decades out of date. The fatal wound hidden beneath a ribbon around her neck. And the note: Bad Mommy, written in crayon as if by a child.
Eve Dallas turns to the department's top profiler, who confirms what seems obvious to Eve: They're dealing with a killer whose childhood involved some sort of trauma-a situation Eve is all too familiar with herself. Yet the clues suggest a perpetrator who'd be roughly sixty years old, and there are no records of old crimes with a similar MO. What was the trigger that apparently reopened such an old wound and sent someone over the edge?
When Eve discovers that other young women-who physically resemble the first victim-have vanished, the clock starts ticking louder. But to solve this case she will need to find her way into a hidden place of dim light and concrete, into the distant past, and into the cold depths of a shattered mind.


J. D. Robb

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