J P Henderson

The Last of the Bowmans

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 1843442787
EAN 9781843442783
Veröffentlicht Januar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller No Exit Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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From the author of Last Bus to Coffeeville
After an absence of some seven years, Greg Bowman returns from America to find his father lying in a bamboo coffin, his estranged brother Billy stalking a woman with no feet and his seventy-nine-year-old Uncle Frank planning to rob a bank. While renovating the family house he is unexpectedly visited by the presence of his dead father and charged with the task of 'fixing' the family. In the course of his reluctant investigations, Greg discovers not only the secrets behind the strange behaviour of his brother and uncle but also an unsettling secret of his father's, and one that brings him face to face with the unintended consequences of his own past.
The Last of the Bowmans is the story of a family on the run from itself.
'An amiably weird take on family life' - Daily Mail
'Laugh-out-loud funny' - Reviewed The Book


J Paul Henderson was born and grew up in Bradford, West Yorkshire, gained a Master's degree in American Studies and travelled to Afghanistan. He worked in a foundry, as a bus conductor, trained as an accountant and then, when the opportunity to return to academia arose, left for Mississippi, returning four years later with a doctorate in 20thC US History and more knowledge of Darlington Hoopes than was arguably necessary. (Hoopes was a Pennsylvanian socialist and the last presidential candidate of the American Socialist Party).

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