Jack London

To Build a Fire and Other Favorite Stories

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
ISBN 0486114082
EAN 9780486114088
Veröffentlicht März 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Dover Publications

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Born into poverty, Jack London led a knockabout existence before achieving success as one of the most popular authors of his era. In the course of his brief but active life, he sought adventure — as a hobo, prospector, sailor, and a dozen other occupations — along with self-education from the works of Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and Jung. The vitality and variety of London's experiences are reflected in his stories, which range from earthy accounts of survival in the Arctic and the South Sea Islands to gripping tales of political upheaval and drama within the boxing ring.
The short story format offers an ideal showcase for London's narrative genius, providing a focus for the great power and fluency of his language. This collection features 13 of London's best works in the genre, including his most acclaimed short story, "To Build a Fire," in which a new arrival to the Klondike stubbornly ignores warnings about the folly of traveling alone. Additional tales include "A Piece of Steak," "The Mexican," "The Law of Life," "All Gold Canyon," and eight others.


Novelist, journalist, and social activist Jack London (1876–1916) rose from abject poverty to international fame. The bestselling, highest-paid, and most popular author of his era, London created a substantial body of work in his short life, drawing upon his experiences as a cannery worker, sailor, railroad hobo, and prospector.

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