Jack London

To Build a Fire and Other Stories

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1420959360
EAN 9781420959369
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Digireads.com Publishing

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Born into poverty in San Francisco in 1876, Jack London is one of the most well-known and beloved of all American authors, as well as one of the first Americans to become world famous and wealthy from his literary career. London lived a colorful and adventurous life as a young man, working as a sailor and then living as a hobo, all before starting high school. After dropping out of college at Berkeley, London joined the Klondike Gold Rush, an experience which would form the basis of many of his most famous works. After returning sick and weakened from his time in Alaska, he turned to writing full time. Contained in this volume are many of his most famous and well-loved short stories, including the powerful "To Build a Fire," a story based on his own experiences as a young and inexperienced man in the harsh Alaskan wilderness. London seized on the new popularity of magazines and short stories and delighted readers with his mastery of language and amazing ability to capture places and dramatic events. This collection showcases many of his best and most thrilling tales and demonstrates why London remains one of America's best writers. This edition includes a biographical afterword.

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