To Build a Fire - Jack London

Jack London

To Build a Fire

Laufzeit ca. 42 Minuten. Sprache: Englisch.
MP3 Hörbuch Download
ISBN 3991179989
EAN 9783991179986
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Bookstream Audiobooks
Übersetzer Vorgelesen von Michael Troy
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"To Build a Fire" is a short story by American author Jack London. The story written in 1908 has become an often anthologized classic. The Story is about an unnamed male protagonist who ventures out in the subzero boreal forest of the Yukon Territory. He is followed by a native dog and is en route to visit his friends - ignoring warnings from an older man (an elder from the Sulphur Creek) about the dangers of hiking alone in extreme cold. The protagonist underestimates the harsh conditions and slowly begins to freeze to death. After building a fire and leaving it to continue his journey, he later attempts to build another. Then tries to kill the dog to gain access to its body heat, but fails to do either. He slips into unconsciousness and dies of hypothermia