Jacqueline Jannotta

Let's Leave the Country! A Guide to Your Family Year Abroad

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0998038113
EAN 9780998038117
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Becoming Better People Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Do you ever imagine leaving the country for a while?
Maybe you dream of living in a particular country, savoring the scents, sounds, and flavors of another corner of the world. Or you envision extended travel, exploring a range of cultures across the globe. It may seem impossible to break free from your routine of "shoulds" - but you can design a life-changing adventure for you and your family!
Let's Leave the Country! is the book Jacqueline Jannotta wishes she'd had when planning her family's year in Italy. Now she offers her expertise, along with insights and tips from dozens of others. Let her lead you through the practical and emotional hurdles of orchestrating an extended adventure beyond the border, including guidance on:
Navigating life outside your comfort zone, even with a new language
and much more
You'll discover:
How to develop the optimal mindset to achieve your dream
How to find "ambassadors" who will help ease your passage abroad
Advice on creating the most gratifying experience possible once you're beyond the border
Wisdom on how to extend the adventure long after you return home as better versions of yourselves.
Immersing in a whole new setting offers a fresh perspective, a renewed sense of vitality, and exponential growth for you and your family. Let's Leave the Country! will help coax your dream out of hiding so you can forge an inspired and unforgettable journey.
What others have said:
"If you're considering a family year abroad, this is your first book to read (and re-read). Jacqueline Jannotta is the detail-oriented guide, wise mentor and honest friend you need to help you make the leap from dream to reality."
- Asha Dornfest, author of Parent Hacks and co-host of the Edit Your Life podcast
"This is a wonderful book and it completely rebooted my excitement about our family year abroad. Not only do I feel much better prepared, but I could not put it down - that says a lot for a 'How To' book."
- Megan Mahar Barnett, TheFunctionalFx.com
"A wonderfully insightful how-to guide designed to help readers take their own leaps into life-changing travel adventures."
-- Tracey Carisch, author, Excess Baggage: One Family's Around-the-World Search for Balance
"Dreaming of spending a year abroad with your family? Read Jacqueline Jannotta's delightful and inspiring guide. This book offers loads of in-the-know information to make the beginning, middle, and end of your family's adventure go smoothly in every way. No matter where you plan to go, Jannotta's valuable tips will boost your confidence, enhance your experience, and save you money. Don't leave home without it!"
-- Maya Frost, author, The New Global Student
Book length: 212 pages/60,000 words

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