James Battell

The Incredible Story of How the Papacy Became Infallible Under Pius IX and XII

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227528308
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller James Battell
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"The Incredible Story of How the Papacy Became Infallible Under Pius IX and XII" delves into a pivotal transformation within the Catholic Church, revealing how two of its most influential Popes reshaped its doctrines and authority. This gripping narrative explores how Pope Pius IX and XII leveraged the concept of papal infallibility to elevate the papacy to unprecedented levels of spiritual and temporal power. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, the book uncovers the dramatic events and decisions that cemented the doctrine's central role in the Church, offering readers a fresh perspective on its profound impact on Catholicism and global affairs.
The book provides a thorough examination of the historical context and theological debates that surrounded the establishment of papal infallibility. It traces how Pius IX's declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and Pius XII's controversial decisions during World War II contributed to the papacy's rise as a nearly unchallengeable authority. By weaving together these significant moments, "The Incredible Story of How the Papacy Became Infallible Under Pius IX and XII" presents a nuanced analysis of how these Popes navigated their complex roles and shaped the Church's influence on a world in flux.
Whether you're a historian, a theologian, or simply interested in the interplay between faith and power, this book offers an enlightening and thought-provoking exploration of the papacy's evolution. It challenges readers to reconsider the nature of papal authority and its implications for both religious and secular spheres. With its compelling narrative and insightful analysis, "The Incredible Story of How the Papacy Became Infallible Under Pius IX and XII" is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the dramatic shifts in the Catholic Church and their lasting effects on modern history.
James G. Battell is a Christian writer, radio broadcaster, video maker, and podcaster. He also runs an international Christian ministry with his father.

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