James L. Casale

Wise Up and Be the Solution

How to Create a Culture of Learning at Home and Make Your Child a Success in School. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 152 Seiten
ISBN 1634508807
EAN 9781634508803
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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As parents, we simply want what's best for our children, but sometimes the modern education system does not always cater to the individual needs of every child. Each child is unique and requires different amounts of attention and support. As your child's first teacher, you are the most influential factor on his or her growth-academically, emotionally, and psychologically. In Wise Up and Be the Solution, James Casale shows you how to be more proactive and have more control over your son or daughter's education.
With 50 years of teaching experience, Casale gives you the tools to change your family dynamic for the better. This book is straightforward, jargon-free, and easy to follow. Parents will learn how to gain their children's attention and how to limit the things that can distract them. Casale also discusses parent-teacher conferences from an educator's perspective, allowing parents to better understand teachers and be more prepared during these meetings.
This book is a must have guide for parents who are eager to see their children succeed in school and life. It provides all the necessary tools to creating a culture of learning right in your home.


James L. Casale, PhD is an award-winning teacher and principal with fifty years of experience in education. He is the founder and author of the blog, Ask the Principal. He has a PhD in education and management/administration and was named Florida Teacher of the Year in 1974, becoming the first male in Florida to earn the title. He resides in Palms Beach, Florida.

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