James Litherland

Critical Contingencies (Slowpocalypse, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1497774454
EAN 9781497774452
Veröffentlicht August 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Outpost Stories
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Everything will change. But the moment has been prepared for.
Katherine Miles and David Belue, students at the first Federal University and Research Complex in central Florida, face a new and dangerous reality when the compound is sealed to keep the facilities out of the hands of a secessionist governor. Each will try in their own way to protect the community from threats without and within, and that could cost them their lives…
(Slowpocalypse Book 1. Previously published as Certain Hypothetical.)
The series continues with Book 2: Threat Multiplication, Book 3: Compromised Inside, Book 4: Peripheral Encounters, Book 5: Political Homicide, and Book 6: Seismic Disruption.


James Litherland is a graduate of the University of South Florida who currently resides as a Virtual Hermit in the wilds of West Tennessee. He's lived various places and done a number of jobs - he's been an office worker and done hard manual labor, worked (briefly) in the retail and service sectors, and he's been an instructor. But through all that, he's always been a writer. And after over thirty years of studying and practicing his craft, he took the plunge and published independently. He is a Christian who tries to walk the walk (and not talk much.)

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