James Phillips

Busby Berkeley at Warner Bros.

Ideology and Utopia in the Hollywood Musical. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
EAN 9798765124826
Veröffentlicht 23. Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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Busby Berkeley's big-production numbers are emblematic of the Hollywood dream factory.
Exploring the tensions between escapism and ideological over-coding in the Warner Bros. musical, this book tracks the ways in which Berkeley created spectacles that are both critical and complacent in relation to the society that produced and received them.
Berkeley carried into his images of utopia the assembly plant, the misogyny, the fascism and racism of his day, but his collaboration with the filmmakers (Enright, Bacon and LeRoy) into whose narratives his numbers were spliced likewise involved taking care to draw a line between spectacle and the everyday. The book makes the case that the Warner Bros. musical, with its attention to the specificity and containment of the aesthetic dimension, has corrective lessons to impart for the aestheticized politics not only of the 1930s, but also of the current age.


James Phillips is Associate Professor in Philosophy at University of New South Wales, Australia. He is the author of Heidegger's Volk: Between National Socialism and Poetry (2005), The Equivocation of Reason: Kleist Reading Kant (2007) and Sternberg and Dietrich: The Phenomenology of Spectacle (2019), the editor of Cinematic Thinking (2008) and co-editor, with John Severn, of Barrie Kosky's Transnational Theatres (2021).

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