James Riker

"Evacuation Day", 1783, Its Many Stirring Events

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 67 Seiten
EAN 8596547334507
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In "Evacuation Day, 1783, Its Many Stirring Events," James Riker meticulously chronicles the pivotal moments and profound implications surrounding the withdrawal of British troops from New York City. Blending historical narrative with vivid, almost theatrical prose, Riker brings to life the fervor of an American populace on the brink of independence. The book captures not only the unfolding events but also the emotional landscape of a nation grappling with newfound autonomy, framed within the broader context of the American Revolutionary War's conclusion. Riker's attention to detail and evocative language allow readers to experience the tension and euphoria of this critical moment in American history. James Riker, an accomplished historian with a deep-seated passion for the American Revolution, draws on extensive research and firsthand accounts to unravel the complexities of Evacuation Day. His commitment to historical accuracy and narrative depth stems from a lifelong dedication to illuminating the often-overlooked facets of American heritage. Riker's expertise and enthusiasm infuse the text with a palpable sense of urgency and significance, echoing the sentiments of those who witnessed the momentous event. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the American Revolution, offering not just a historical account but a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. Riker's insightful analysis and engaging storytelling will captivate historians, students, and general readers alike, making it an essential addition to the library of anyone seeking to understand this crucial chapter in American history.


James Riker, a historian renowned for his meticulous research into early American history, particularly that surrounding the Revolutionary War era, made significant scholarly contributions with his works that delve into the nuanced aspects of this pivotal period. Riker's notable work, "Evacuation Day," 1783, Its Many Stirring Events", offers an in-depth exploration of the day when British troops finally departed from New York City, marking the end of British occupation and a critical moment for the nascent United States. Riker's writing style is characterized by his careful attention to detail and his reliance on primary sources, which has made his work valuable to scholars seeking a nuanced understanding of the period. The depth of his analysis has shed light on the cultural, social, and military intricacies of the time, providing rich context to an event celebrated with less vigor than other Revolutionary War milestones. His contributions to the field of American history have been recognized as essential readings for those interested in the complexities of America's early years and the celebration of its hard-won sovereignty.

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