James Sheldon

Beyond The Screen: The Dark Side Of Social Media

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227015778
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller James Sheldon
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
12,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Beyond the Screen: The Dark Side of Social Media
Imagine a world where every swipe, like, and scroll is meticulously engineered to control you. Social media isn't just a distraction—it's a weaponized system designed to manipulate your mind, harvest your data, and sell your attention to the highest bidder. Beneath the curated filters and viral trends lies a darker truth: the platforms we trust are unraveling our mental health, sabotaging our relationships, and eroding our sense of self.
This book isn't another preachy critique of technology. Beyond the Screen is a bold exposé, dragging the hidden machinery of social media into the light. It reveals the sinister algorithms that exploit your vulnerabilities, the endless dopamine traps that keep you hooked, and the false connections that leave you feeling emptier than ever. It's a brutal wake-up call—and a practical guide to breaking free.
Discover:- The addiction cycle engineered to hijack your brain and keep you scrolling.- The truth about data exploitation—how your every click feeds a billion-dollar surveillance machine.- The curated lies of influencer culture and the real cost of chasing online validation.- The psychological toll of comparison and FOMO, and why it's making us lonelier.- How to reclaim your mental clarity, attention span, and authentic self in a world obsessed with digital approval.
This isn't just about deleting an app or turning off notifications. Beyond the Screen arms you with the tools to challenge the entire system, set boundaries, and rebuild your life around what truly matters. If you're tired of being a pawn in the social media game, this book will teach you how to break the cycle, find balance, and rediscover the richness of the real world.
Dare to pull back the curtain. Face the truth. And take back control.

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