Jamie J. Buchanan

Insights (A Short Story)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311049193
EAN 9781311049193
Veröffentlicht August 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Jamie J. Buchanan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Michael's morning commute was made more bearable with the purchase of his new book - a collection of short stories that allowed the reader insights into the mind of the authors. But, as Michael read, the similarities between his life and the story became clearer. Lines blurred and where fact ended and fiction started was not so certain...


Jamie J. Buchanan is based in Perth, Western Australia. He spent many years playing in rock bands, mostly loud, fast, punk rock and heavy metal bands - the sort your parents warned you about. He is currently playing guitar, singing and writing songs for melodic punk band "Incomplete" based in Perth, Australia. But he has always been writing stories - long and short.
Jamie has had a short story "On My Goat" published by Cardigan Press in 2006 in the anthology "Allnighter" as well as having several short stories published on the Smashwords website for free download (www.smashwords.com).
The short story "Sanguine Saviour" won second place in the monthly "Darker Times" competition (www.darkertimes.co.uk) and was included in the inaugural Darker Times anthology as well.
The short story "The Woman on the Pavement" is published in an upcoming Editor's Choice anthology by Stringybark Press called "Hitler Did It".
Jamie's short story "Battle of Wits" has won the Raspberry and Vine short story comp for 2012 - you can read it here:
Jamie has had several stories short-listed as well including "Insights" in the 2013 Carmel Bird Short Story Award and "Imagine This" in the 2014 Bundaberg Writers' Writefest Award 2014.
Jamie's short story "The End of Death" has won the "Spinetinglers" short story competition for Jan 2015. His short story "Mr Shmoopie" has also won 1st Prize in "Spinetinglers" short story competition for October 2015 and both stories were supposed to be featured in an upcoming anthology of award winning short fiction. (http://www.spinetinglers.co.uk). You can read them below (soon to be published late 2017)
Jamie enjoys the films of Robert Rodriguez, The Coen Brothers and Guy Richie, music by Bad Religion, Muse, The Offspring, Clutch, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Metallica, and books by James Ellroy, Irvine Welsh, Chuck Palahniuk and Stephen King. His only hates are people who talk about themselves in the third person. And Brussel Sprouts. He hates Brussel Sprouts.

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