Jamil Jan Kochai

99 Nights in Logar

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0525559205
EAN 9780525559207
Veröffentlicht Januar 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"Funny, razor-sharp, and full of juicy tales that feel urgent and illicit . . . the author has created a singular, resonant voice, an American teenager raised by Old World Afghan storytellers." -New York Times Book Review
"More than well crafted; it's phenomenal. . . . Kochai's book has a big heart." -The Guardian
A dog on the loose. A boy yearning to connect to his family's roots. A country in the midst of great change. And a vibrant exploration of the power of stories--the ones we tell each other and the ones we find ourselves in.
Twelve-year-old Marwand's memories from his previous visit to Afghanistan six years ago center on his contentious relationship with Budabash, the terrifying but beloved dog who guards his extended family's compound in the rural village of Logar. But eager for an ally in this place that is meant to be "home," Marwand misreads his reunion with the dog and approaches Budabash the way he would any pet on his American suburban block--and the results are disastrous: Marwand loses a finger, and Budabash escapes into the night.
Marwand is not chastened and doubles down on his desire to fit in here. He must get the dog back, and the resulting search is a gripping and vivid adventure story, a lyrical, funny, and surprisingly tender coming-of-age journey across contemporary Afghanistan that blends the bravado and vulnerability of a boy's teenage years with an homage to familial oral tradition and calls to mind One Thousand and One Nights yet speaks with a voice all its own.


Jamil Jan Kochai was born in Pakistan and grew up in the United States. His story "Nights in Logar," upon which this debut novel is based, won the 2018 O. Henry Prize. He currently attends the Iowa Writers' Workshop.

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