Jana Deleon


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0985003758
EAN 9780985003753
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller J&R Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Mallory Devereaux is known throughout the town of Royal Flush, Louisiana as a walking disaster and her luck just got worse. She needs to raise ten-thousand dollars in one week to keep the IRS from seizing her adopted father's business where she works as the demolition foreman.
When the opportunity to cool cards at her uncle's casino comes up, Mallory hopes her luck is changing. But when she realizes her uncle has assembled a tournament of criminals, she wonders what she's stepped in the middle of.
FBI agent Jake Randoll needs to take down a money launderer and the poker tournament is the last chance he'll get before the criminal flees the country. Jake obtains the position of dealer with Mallory as his table assistant, but he's not prepared for the mojo that Mallory can serve up in a single touch.


Jana DeLeon was raised in southwest Louisiana among the bayous and gators. Her hometown is Carlyss, but you probably won't find it on a map. Her family owned a camp located on a bayou just off the Gulf of Mexico that you could only get there by boat. The most important feature was the rope hammock hanging in the shade on a huge deck that stretched out over the water where Jana spent many hours reading books.
Jana and her brother spent thousands of hours combing the bayous in a flat-bottom aluminum boat, studying the natural habitat of many birds, nutria and alligators. She would like you to know that no animals were injured during these "studies," but they kept makers of peroxide in business.
Jana has never stumbled across a mystery or a ghost like her heroines, but she's still hopeful.
She now resides in Dallas, Texas, with the most spoiled Sheltie in the world.

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