Jane Austen

Mansfield Park

ebook Ausgabe. 2. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 456 Seiten
ISBN 3961300488
EAN 9783961300488
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
Verlag/Hersteller apebook Verlag
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"Mansfield Park", the third novel by the famous female author Jane Austen was first published in 1814. It followed Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice.
The protagonist of the novel is Fanny Price, a young woman who was sent to live with her mother-s sisters at Mansfield Park at age ten. As a dependent poor relation she has to face a lot of suppression and humiliation. But in her cousin Edmund she finds a friend with whom she even falls in love. At the same time she is pursued by the complacent Henry Crawford who tries to make her fall in love with him.
Although "Mansfield Park" is - like the other major novels of Jane Austen - one of the best-loved and essential classics in English literature, at the same time it is her most controversial work because to some readers Fanny seems to be much too priggish while others consider her to be a complex personality who shows courage and grows in self-esteem during the story.
"Mansfield Park" has been the subject of several dramatic adaptations for radio broadcasting, stage, television and cinema.

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