Jane Harper


The Page-turning Final Aaron Falk Mystery from the No. 1 Bestselling Author of The Dry and Force of Nature. Empfohlen ab 18 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
ISBN 1529098475
EAN 9781529098471
Veröffentlicht Februar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Macmillan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The brilliantly twisty mystery from Jane Harper, the international bestselling Number One author of The Dry and Force of Nature now a major film starring Eric Bana.
'A fantastic crime writer' - Bella Mackie
In Exiles, Investigator Aaron Falk finds himself drawn into a complex web of tightly held secrets in South Australia's wine country.
A mother disappears from a busy festival on a warm spring night.
Her baby lies alone in the pram, waiting for a return that never comes.
A year later, Kim Gillespie's absence still casts a long shadow as her friends and loved ones gather to welcome a new addition to the family.
Joining the celebrations on a rare break from work is federal investigator Aaron Falk, who begins to suspect that all is not as it seems.
As he looks into Kim's case, long-held secrets and resentments begin to come to the fore, secrets that show that her community is not as close as it appears.
Falk will have to tread carefully if he is to expose the dark fractures at its heart, but sometimes it takes an outsider to get to the truth . . .
Exiles is a New York Times and Sunday Times Top 10 bestseller and the final Aaron Falk mystery. Following on from The Dry, the second novel in the Aaron Falk series, Force of Nature, is now also a film starring Eric Bana and was released in February 2024.

Praise for Jane Harper
'An avalanche of suspense' - David Baldacci
'Addictive storytelling' - Ann Cleeves
'A hugely gifted writer' - Marian Keyes
'Exceptional' - Jane Casey
'Outstanding' - C.L. Taylor
'Spellbinding' - Ian Rankin
'A stunningly atmospheric read' - Val McDermid
'Brilliantly paced' - Susie Steiner
'I devoured it in a day. Her best yet!' - Liane Moriarty
'Phenomenal' - Chris Whitaker


Jane Harper is the author of four internationally bestselling Australian mysteries, including The Dry. Her books are published in 40 territories and have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. Jane has won numerous top awards including the CWA Gold Dagger, the British Book Awards Crime and Thriller Book of the Year and the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year. The 2021 movie adaptation of The Dry, starring Eric Bana, is one of the highest grossing Australian films of all time.
Jane worked as a print journalist for 13 years in both Australia and the UK, and now lives in Melbourne with her husband, daughter and son.

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