Janet Evanovich

Dirty Thirty

Stephanie Plum 30. None. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1035401991
EAN 9781035401994
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Review
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The irresistible new Stephanie Plum mystery from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich.
Stephanie Plum, Trenton's most underappreciated bounty hunter, is on the trail of a stolen cache of dirty diamonds.
Stephanie's new assignment seems simple enough. A local jeweller wants her to locate his former security guard, who he is convinced has stolen a fortune in diamonds. Stephanie is also looking for another man arrested for robbing the same jewellery store on the same day.
With her boyfriend Morelli away on police business, Stephanie is taking care of Morelli's giant orange dog, who will devour anything, including the upholstery in Stephanie's car. Morelli's absence means the inscrutable, irresistible security expert Ranger is front and centre in Stephanie's life when things go sideways. And he seems determined to stay there.
An overnight stakeout with Stephanie's mother and Grandma Mazur reveals three generations of women with nerves of steel and driving skills worthy of the most daring stock-car champions.
As the body count rises and witnesses disappear, it's not easy for Stephanie to keep herself clean when everyone else is playing dirty. It's a good thing Stephanie isn't afraid of getting a little dirty, too.
Praise for Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels
'Plum remains outspoken, brave, and definitely one-of-a-kind... a hilariously madcap, action-packed caper filled with crazy twists and some nail-biting suspense' Booklist
'Romantic and gripping' Good Housekeeping
'A laugh-out-loud page-turner' Heat


Janet Evanovich

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