Janice Wee

The Mark and the Martyr (Emunah Short Story Collection, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230259909
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Janice Wee
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
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"Emunah Short Story Collection Volume 2: The Mark and the Martyr" plunges readers into the heart of the Great Tribulation, where faith is a shield and survival a desperate race. In "Mei", a clone handler for Beast Corp—the Antichrist's sinister empire—awakens to the truth at the Rapture's edge and bolts for the survival camps, hunted by the forces she once served. "Liam's Dark Secrets" traces a cultural Christian's spiral—adultery before the Rapture, abandonment after it, and a chilling job with the Beasts—culminating in his refusal to worship the Antichrist, a stand that costs him his life. "Lydia's 12 Christmases" spans a woman's journey from pre-Rapture ignorance to post-Rapture conversion, her faith tested across twelve perilous holidays until her camp falls to Tribulation's wrath. And in "Mary's Flight", a Jewish woman who made Aliyah before the Rapture endures abandonment and relentless danger, holding out for Christ's return against all odds.
Collecting Books 5 to 8 of the Emunah Short Stories, this volume weaves a tapestry of suspense and salvation. From the sterile labs of Beast Corp to the smoldering ruins of survival camps, each tale pulses with thriller intensity—deception unravels, loyalties fracture, and courage rises amid chaos. Perfect for fans of apocalyptic fiction, "The Mark and the Martyr" delivers a raw, unflinching look at humanity's final stand, where the mark of the Beast meets the martyr's unbreakable spirit.


Janice Wee is Straits Born Chinese from Singapore.
She is a sixth generation Singaporean, the daughter of two English teachers and who spent her childhood in libraries.
Learn more about the worlds and characters in her stories in her website janicewee.com

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