Jason Peat

A Small Bite of Temptation

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1069213306
EAN 9781069213303
Veröffentlicht 14. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Empty Pockets Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

From writer Jason Peat comes an emotionally intricate tale of love and deception. This bold portrayal of a doomed sexual dalliance asks the question – what would you do and what would you be willing to risk for true love.
Middle-aged bachelor, Eric Beckford, is in London to attend his cousin's wedding and take stock of his life. Battling the onset of a midlife crisis, he feels a change of scenery from his hectic life back in New York is just what he needs. But when he meets beautiful and exquisite Lisette Martin, his life gets a lot more complicated. A one-night stand leads to another, but Lisette is taken. And Eric is presented with a moral dilemma of whether he should sacrifice the love of his tight-knit Jamaican family for the love of a beautiful woman.
A Small Bite of Temptation takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from the crowded streets of London to the hot humid hills of Jamaica. This is one love story not to be missed.


Jason Peat, a London-born actor and writer now based in Toronto, has built a multifaceted career in the entertainment and media industries. As an actor, he has been featured in numerous commercials and television programs. His writing credits include contributions to Ebony and Slant magazines, as well as serving as a columnist for the Toronto Star. In addition to his print work, Jason has made appearances on radio as a contributor to a top-rated morning show and has provided expert commentary on news programs, particularly on race-related issues

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