Jason Seymour, Charolette Guetzkow

The Cupid Code: How to Succeed at Dating, Attracting and Romance (The Love Codes)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798987822777
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Jason Seymour
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Ready to decode the mysteries of love? The Cupid Code: How to Succeed at Dating, Attraction, and Romance is your personal compass for navigating the wild, wonderful and sometimes tricky world of romantic love. Whether you're looking to spark a new connection, reignite the fire in a current romance or level up your interpersonal skills, this book has you covered. Packed with practical tips, insightful advice and a dash of humor, The Cupid Code is like having a savvy best friend whispering secrets of attraction and connection in your ear. It's time to embrace your potential, build meaningful bonds, and make romance work for you.
What makes The Cupid Code so special is its adaptability. Whether you're bumping into someone by chance in the real world or swiping through dating apps, it has insights that fit seamlessly into any situation. For those seeking an online connection, The Cupid Code helps you craft a profile that puts your best digital foot forward, with practical advice on choosing photos that showcase your personality and writing a bio that will work like a powerful magnet, bringing you the most compatible matches straight to your digital doorstep.
And it doesn't stop at the first date. Courtship and romance should be a lifelong practice that will benefit even the most longstanding romances because the tools in this book will help you keep things fresh and exciting with your partner.
Beyond romantic love, the principles inside are just as effective for improving all your non-romantic interactions, from navigating tricky family dynamics to impressing your boss or getting along with coworkers. By becoming more confident and a better communicator, you'll see yourself shining in every situation.
So, whether you're looking to up your dating game or deepen your existing connections, The Cupid Code is your guide to mastering the art of human connection—with a playful, insightful approach that makes the journey as fun as it is rewarding!

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