Javier Celaya, Iván Martínez, Montecarlo, Mariana Moura Santos, Pau Waelder

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2016

Smart Culture: Impact of the Internet on Artistic Creation. Focus: Use of New Digital Technologies at Cultural Festivals. 3. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 165 Seiten
ISBN 8415272804
EAN 9788415272809
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Dosdoce
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Following the excellent reception of the first two editions of the AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report (2014 and 2015) - more than 5,000 copies of each have been distributed over the past two years - we are pleased to share with culture sector professionals the third edition, which sets out to analyse the impact of new technologies on artistic creation and their use at cultural festivals.
To achieve this aim, the broad-ranging content of the third edition of the report has been divided into two main sections to make it easier to read for the different audiences at which it is aimed. 'Smart Culture' is the overarching theme established by the Advisory Committee of the AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2016 as a basis for choosing the six articles that make up the first part of this year's edition. Just as the first report's Focus dealt with the impact of the Internet on the performing arts (theatre, opera, dance, ballet, etc.) and that of the second edition analysed the use of new technologies in the world of museums, for this third edition it conducts a thorough analysis of the use of new technologies at some 50 Spanish and foreign cultural festivals.


AC/E, a public agency whose purpose is to facilitate the promotion, development and internationalisation of Spain's creative and culture sector, has teamed up with Dosdoce.com, a private organisation specialised in studies on adapting the sector to the digital environment, to analyse in the three editions of the report the main technological trends that cultural managers will need to bear in mind in the coming years in order to have a better understanding of the impact of new technologies on their culture organisations.

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