Jeff Galloway, David Hannahford

Running Injury Free

Prevent and Treat the Most Common Running Injuries. 2. Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 168 Seiten
ISBN 1782555471
EAN 9781782555476
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Meyer & Meyer Sport
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
13,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Running Injury Free, Second Edition, gives every runner the best advice for preventing and treating injuries, helping them to run without pain. With this book, runners discover what can lead to injury and how to prevent it through specific training techniques. Dr. David Hannaford DPM contributes his own expert advice on how to correctly treat those injuries runners typically experience. This book, brought to readers by Jeff Galloway, creator of the proven Run Walk Run® method, offers the best tips on avoiding and treating injuries and also includes a special section on how to return to training after an injury.
Run pain free with Running Injury Free!


Jeff Galloway was an average teenage runner who kept learning and working harder until he became an Olympian. He is the author of the bestselling running book in North America (Galloway's Book on Running) and was a Runner's World columnist for more than 20 years, as well as an international speaker for more than 200 running and fitness sessions each year. His Run Walk Run® program has inspired millions to run and improve their running. His program's 99% success rate is based on Jeff's success with more than 500,000 runners.
After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Oregon, David Hannaford DPM went to the Podiatric Medical School in San Francisco. Returning to Oregon to practice, he treated professional, recreational, and U of O athletes. He then moved to Seattle where he worked in the Sports Medicine Division of The Virginia Mason Hospital. He later ran a private practice in the San Francisco area where he treated runners almost exclusively. David served as the medical director of the San Francisco Marathon, Olympic trials, and staff podiatrist for Jeff Galloway's Tahoe running retreats. He was also an avid runner.

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