Jeff Katzman

The Power Game Volume I

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310997489
EAN 9781310997488
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Jeff Katzman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The Top 10 Main Ideas in this Book
1 based on years of research studying the timeless elements of the human condition, this authoritative book illuminates why we employ the strategies we do as we all play the power game of our lives
2 how to strategically employ the five grandest institutions -- the church, the economy, the state, the academy, and the family -- to win the power game
3 humanity's discovery that we die gave birth to civilization and rapid technological innovations
4 the complexities of modern civilization are driven by postponing death for as many people as possible for as long as possible
5 the church -- religion seeks to fill in the void ripped open in us by death consciousness, and faith fills in this void
6 the economy -- the effort and energy individuals expend playing the mating game fuel the economic engine
7 the state – the state aims to create as much freedom as it can for as many individuals as possible and uses the threat of the legitimate use of force to make this happen
8 the academy -- death consciousness encourages us to use knowledge and technological innovations to battle the forces in this new, dangerous, and frightening world
9 the family -- social behavior is based on the pursuit of procreation possibilities -- for each individual to make the most offspring with as many mates as possible
10 the companion volume -- The Power Game Volume II -- explores the timeless elements of the human condition from the perspective of the individual toward society


Jeff Katzman is the founder of Prometheus Enterprises and has been working on The Prometheus Project for over 25 years. Jeff has been a writer, a public speaker, a professor, a Vice President of Operations, and an economist. His motto is read classics and travel. Jeff wrote the companion volumes The Power Game Volume I and The Power Game Volume II. He is also the author of the companion volumes Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Unbound, Parts I and II of The Prometheus Trilogy. He is currently working on Part III of The Prometheus Trilogy -- Prometheus Triumphs.

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