Jenna Elizabeth Johnson

The Finding: An Epic Fantasy Dragon Adventure (The Legend of Oescienne, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533734003
EAN 9781533734006
Veröffentlicht Juni 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The prophesied child has finally been found, but can her dragon guardians keep her safe from an evil force intent on destroying their world? The Legend of Oescienne is an epic dragon fantasy series beloved by readers of all ages!
When the dragon Jaax receives word that a human child has been found in the province of Oescienne, he doesn't dare believe it. Humans have been absent from the world of Ethöes for centuries, cursed by an evil tyrant to live out the remainder of their lives in dragon form. Despite his doubts, however, Jaax wonders if this girl could be the long-awaited answer to an ancient prophecy, one that promises to put an end to the reign of the dreaded Crimson King once and for all.
Hidden away in the province of Oescienne, Jahrra grows up blissfully unaware of who - or what - she is. She's much too busy getting into mischief with her friends and outsmarting her vile classmates to worry about faraway tyrants or unanswered prophecies. Yet, the threat to Jahrra's world isn't as distant as she'd like to think, and her destiny may come calling long before she's ready - a destiny she alone was born to fulfill.
*Literary Classics Winner for Best Young Adult Series*


Jenna Elizabeth Johnson is a best-selling, multi-award winning author of Fantasy and Young Adult Paranormal Romance. Jenna grew up and still resides on the Central Coast of California, a place she finds as magical and enchanting as the worlds she creates.
Jenna received a BA in Art Practice with a minor in Celtic Studies from the University of California at Berkeley. It was during her time in college that she decided to begin her first novel, The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding. Reading such works as Beowulf, The Mabinogi and The Second Battle of Maige Tuired in her Scandinavian and Celtic Studies courses finally inspired her to start writing down her own tales of adventure and fantasy.
Jenna also enjoys creating the many images and maps for her various worlds. Besides writing and drawing, she is often found reading, gardening, camping, hiking, bird watching, and practicing long sword fighting and archery using a long bow. She also loves getting feedback from readers, so feel free to send her a message any time.
Jenna Elizabeth Johnson is currently working on the fourth book of her Oescienne series, as well as more novels and novellas in the Otherworld series, and any other book ideas that might come to her along the way. For more on the author and her books, and for contact information and to sign up for the author's newsletter, visit: or send an email to:

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