Jenna O'Malley

Bound by Hope and Spirit (The Merna Annals, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227817143
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Soul Bard Productions, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Enjoy this dark epic paranormal romantasy series by sci-fi/fantasy author, Jenna O'Malley where...
Fate Could Not be Changed...
Ian sacrificed everything by joining the Hunters' Guild as Imperial Lord Hunter, shattering the Alliance of merna as prophesized. Meanwhile, Elders and allies conduct a desperate search for his mate, Nephtyri. Though paranoia abounds, her Turnlings refuse to give up.
The ghosts of the Arsinoëphorus Alliance, which kept all magical beings bound to one another, linger while the immortals flee. Every wasted sunset tips the hourglass one sunrise closer toward baby Elias's birth as the prince of all arcane immortals.
Vouvry, the ever-loyal dracokin, feels betrayal's sting. Rather than taking the mantle as the new dracokin Elder, he leaves behind hope and banishes himself into exile. He takes his precious Maria with him, even though her amnesia condemns them to isolation.
In Polish territory, they convert an abandoned monastery into a shelter for misfits and orphans. Tormented by his past affection for her, Vouvry desires a new life with the lovely Spanish vampire. The commonality of their old beliefs might make winter a perfect opportunity to kindle a new, shared life.
Without her memories, Maria rebuffs him at every instance. At his weakest, the enemy sends temptations to lure his pure spirit. Will Vouvry fall for them, or will Maria finally allow herself to feel the love he has for her? Will they realize the danger and prevent further heartbreak?
The years bring turmoil as rumors and betrayal coalesce into anarchy, and loyalties among the merna realign. Find out what will happen in The Merna Annals, an epic paranormal fantasy romance series, which contains a diverse host of magical heroes caught in the human world, fighting to save their fates and their loves from a desolate legacy of extinction.

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