Jenna O'Malley

Bound by Lyric and Time (The Merna Annals, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230271703
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Soul Bard Productions, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Enjoy this dark epic paranormal romantasy series by sci-fi/fantasy author, Jenna O'Malley where...
Balance is Not Always Just Nor Fair...
With most of their allies dead, the tomes of the Elders and their divine gods lost, and their ties to magic fading, all mernakind live, love, and are lost around their forsaken queen and blessed prince. Nephtyri's goals are simple: free her husband and soulmate, end the war, and leave for the Caribbean with any merna and human allies wishing to flee Europe.
Ian recovers his mind with an increasing desire to return to the arms of the one he calls home. To keep his family and love safe, he must rule the Hunters' Guild with an iron fist under Abraxas's control. However, when news of the merna reunion reaches Ian in the Underdark, he and Nephtyri destroy magic to protect their found family.
Harumi, on the other hand, will either find her siren song or die trying. Trapped between duties and desire, she'll accept or silence her infatuation with GorGor at last, or being bound to Nephtyri and Aryeh respectively will massacre their romance.
Both realize the ending of a war is the beginning of a new battle. GorGor and Harumi must travel across the realms to help Nephtyri and Ian reunite all merna for the sake of the future. Vampires, werewolves, faeries, dracokin, catshifters, humans, demons, angels, and Earth will feel this definitive battle throughout history.
Will these immortal magical beings survive? Find out in The Merna Annals, an epic paranormal fantasy romance series, which contains a diverse host of magical heroes caught in the human world, fighting to save their fates and their loves from a desolate legacy of extinction.

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